Woodrow Griffin - Gospel Singer

Woodrow Griffin, Jr. is 16 years old and is the son of Louis and Sharlean Aiken. He was born April 17, 1984 in Walterboro, South Carolina. Woodrow Griffin

He attends Walterboro High School.where he has received numerous awards including, High Achiever, Academic Achievement, Outstanding Performance, a Certificate of Participation, and the famous Poet for 1999 Award of Recognition.

He attends the Emmanuel Temple Church where he sings in the choir and is very active. He also loves singing/songwriting and dreams of being a professional musician oneday.

"I hope you enjoy my debut single 'I Lift The Praise Up To You'."


Woodrow Griffin
1353 Saxby Hill Road
Ritter, SC 29473

Hear Woodrow sing "I Lift The Praise Up To You"

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Hear Woodrow sing "Perfect In Harmony"

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